Thinking about Solar Hot Water? Here are our most frequently asked questions (and answers!).
1. What are the benefits of switching to Solar Hot Water?
Switching to Solar Hot Water offers significant cost savings on monthly energy bills and is a more environmentally sustainable option. Solar energy is a renewable source, so using it for hot water heating reduces the reliance on non-renewable sources such as electricity or gas. Additionally, Solar Hot Water systems have low maintenance costs and often come with warranties, providing peace of mind for the homeowner.
2. What equipment do I need for a Solar Hot Water system?
A Solar Hot Water system consists of solar panels, a storage tank, a circulation pump, and a controller/thermostat. The solar panels collect energy from the sun and transfer it to the storage tank to heat the water. The circulation pump ensures that the hot water is distributed evenly and the controller/thermostat regulates the temperature.
3. Can I use my existing hot water tank or do I need to buy a new one?
It depends on the compatibility of your existing tank with the Solar Hot Water system. A professional assessment is recommended to determine if your tank can be used or if a new one is necessary.
4. How much does a Solar Hot Water system cost?
The cost of a Solar Hot Water system varies based on the size of the system and the components used. On average, the cost can range from $3,000 to $10,000, with higher-end systems costing more. However, the cost savings on monthly energy bills can offset the initial investment over time.
5. How long does it take to install a Solar Hot Water system?
The installation process for a Solar Hot Water system typically takes 1-3 days, depending on the size and complexity of the system. A professional installation is recommended to ensure proper function and warranty coverage.
6. What maintenance is required for a Solar Hot Water system?
Regular cleaning of the solar panels is necessary to maintain optimal performance, as well as check-ups on system components such as the circulation pump and controller/thermostat. These check-ups can be done by a professional or a knowledgeable homeowner.
7. Is there a warranty for a Solar Hot Water system?
Most manufacturers offer warranties for both the equipment and the installation of a Solar Hot Water system. The length and coverage of the warranty vary, so it’s important to check with the manufacturer for specific details.
8. How does a Solar Hot Water system perform in cloudy or rainy weather?
A Solar Hot Water system may not be able to heat water effectively during cloudy or rainy weather, so a backup heating source (such as an electric or gas-powered system) may be necessary. This backup system will ensure hot water is available at all times. We can advise on this on a case-by-case system.
9. Can I receive incentives or tax credits for switching to Solar Hot Water?
Yes, there may be local and federal government programs that offer incentives or tax credits for switching to Solar Hot Water in place at the moment. We can advise of anything currently available when you call.
10. Can I still use my electric hot water system as backup?
Yes, the electric hot water system can be used as a backup in case Solar is not sufficient. This provides peace of mind and ensures hot water is available at all times.
Paul Barrs2023-02-09T04:30:32+00:00
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