3 Tips To Maintain Your Solar Water Heater
Here in West Bengal, a solar water heater is mainly used by commercial businesses, although, there are some residential properties that also use solar energy to heat their necessary water. The main reason why a majority of people are switching to solar water heaters is that they help to combat climate change by using natural energy sources for heating water. Besides, the daily operational expenses for a solar water heater to run is considerably way lower than other types of traditional water heater that are powered by other energy sources like electricity or gas. And, the best part is that solar water heaters are quite durable if maintained properly.
Here Are 3 Simple Tips That You Can Follow To Make Sure That Your Solar Water Heater Continues To Run Properly:
1. Maintain Regular And Periodic Maintenance:
Usually, solar water heaters require maintenance every year. However, to ensure that your solar water heaters continue to function well for as long as it is possible, there are a few things that you can do to ensure they are properly checked –
- Check for any leakages in pipes or tanks and make sure that there are no leakages, otherwise, it may affect the performance of your solar water heater.
- Check for any tears or damages in the insulator. If there are any, get them fixed as early as possible.
- Check if all nuts and bolts are in their place perfectly. If they turn out to be loose, tighten them ASAP.
- The collectors of the heater should not be dusty at all.
2. Prevent Corrosion And Erosion:
Did you know that continuously flowing water can often cause corrosion in the solar water heater and can lead to improper functioning of them? However, the best way to prevent this is to clean the heater when it is not being used and is completely dry. This practice will help you avoid corrosion and erosion of your heater. Yet, another method to eliminate the chances of erosion is to paint the affected areas after cleaning them.
3. Flush Out Water From The Tank:
When it comes to the maintenance of a solar water heater, this is possibly the most important step. Flushing the tank every year is so important since it removes any dirt or dust that might have accumulated over the year inside the tank. A lot of dust and algae may get accumulated in the collector, which can often cause a blockage and interfere with the daily performance of the solar heater.
In conclusion, we can say that maintenance of a solar water heater is not difficult at all, and it will actually benefit you in the long run.