The 376-kW community solar project built in Queens, New York. UGE
Half of the energy generated by the projects is reserved for low-to-moderate-income New Yorkers. These households and businesses will save upwards of 10% on their electricity costs as subscribers to the projects. As electricity rates continue to rise across the country, these savings become increasingly meaningful for Americans looking for ways to save money in today’s inflationary environment.
“As a team based in New York City, it’s always extra rewarding for us to build projects that provide energy savings and cleaner electricity to our fellow New Yorkers,” said Nick Blitterswyk, founder and CEO of UGE. “We’re looking forward to bringing several other community solar
projects in greater New York City online this year.”
With the completion of these two new projects, UGE now owns and operates 11 solar projects totaling 5.6 MW. UGE has an additional 9 projects totaling 17.7 MW under construction, and another 310.7 MW of projects in development being prepared to be built.
News item from UGE